Tuesday, September 30, 2008

UCD GSM Bay Area Finance club By-laws

Bay Area Finance Association
University of California, Graduate School of Management

Bylaws for Governance
Revised: July 20, 2008

Submitted by:
Juliet Hodder: Founder and Co-President
Amit Shah: Founder and Co-President

I. Overview
II. Mission
III. Membership
IV. Dues
V. Meetings
VI. Voting on Finance Association Decisions
VII. Officers and Responsibilities
VIII. Elections of Finance Association Officers
IX. Term of Office, Replacement and Removal of Officers
X. Changes to the Bylaws
XI. Dissolve the club

I. Overview

UCD Graduate School of Management (GSM) Bay Area campus at San Ramon is home to over 180 students with a significant interest in Finance and related fields. The Bay Area is an international hub and financial center that guarantees a wealth of opportunity for GSM students to further their learning and influence in the financial sector. This club will collaborate with the GSM Daytime Finance Association to achieve synergies for their respective members and to create an enriching and educational experience for all its members.

Our goals include facilitating knowledge sharing among GSM students, networking with industry professionals and bring industry recruitment to the UC Davis GSM, connecting students from the three GSM sites, and inviting renowned faculty & industry professional for interactive discussions.

II. Mission
Our mission is to build awareness and generate excitement among students about different careers within the finance function. We aim to expand our classroom educational experience to real world practical learning, to discuss developments in the world of investments and corporate finance, and share knowledge among members. We also aspire to expand the experiences and opportunities available to our members by organizing finance related speaker events, alumni outreach, networking opportunities, social events, and cross-campus programming with the Daytime and Sacramento MBA programs.

III. Membership

The membership of the Finance Association is comprised of current Working Professional Bay Area MBA students at the Graduate School of Management (GSM). Current working professional GSM students who have paid their dues are members of the Finance Association. Membership entitles full access to and support from the Finance Association Board, activities, etc.

IV. Dues

Dues are collected upon admission to the Finance Association which covers the entire time the student is enrolled in the GSM. Membership is allowed on a case by case basis. Dues are determined by the Finance Association Board.

V. Meetings

The Finance Association will schedule meetings on an as needed basis. Minutes will be taken and posted.

VI. Voting on Finance Association Decisions

Decisions of the GSM officers may be made by simple consensus. When a consensus is difficult to accomplish, a vote may be taken following these guidelines:

1. One vote per officer. Only elected officers may vote, though they represent the membership.
2. Simple majority determines the decision.
3. A quorum (six officers) is necessary to vote on any motion.
4. Voting can be done with non-GSM officers present.

VII. Officers and Responsibilities

Club Officers

1. President:
Responsible for representing the Finance Association when required and during GSM sponsored events. Responsible for coordinating Finance Association activities, facilitating meetings, encouraging participation in events, growing membership, oversight and advising of Finance Association Board members, upholding parliamentary procedures , oversight of elections, and direct liaison to current GSM faculty, staff, and students.

2. VP of External Relations:
Responsible for alumni relations, external partnerships, consulting projects, and general enhancement of external opportunities for club members.

3. VP of Communications:
Responsible for internal and external communication, web-site/blog development & maintenance, assisting in elections, and marketing communication.

4. VP of Finance:
Responsible for managing club membership fees, oversight of club budget and fundraising, allocation of resources for club events, liaison with ASM regarding financial matters

5. VP of Events:
Responsible for oversight of events including networking programs, alumni panels, speaker series, finance competitions, fundraisers, and general internal and external programming.

VIII. Elections of Finance Association Officers

Election of the Officers

Schedule: Fall Quarter; New Board convenes on January 1st.
Voters: Finance Association Members in good standing
Procedure: Determined by the Finance Association Board

The Finance Association officers may determine the timeline and the specific procedures used for the elections. The following principles should serve as a guide:

1. One vote per person.
2. Candidates may vote.
3. Only Finance Association members may vote.
4. Voting may be by paper ballot, electronic survey ballet or email ballot.
5. Voting should be anonymous. In the case of email voting or electronic voting, where the identity of the voter is obvious, the ballots should be counted privately by one person or a small number of elections officials.
6. Candidates may be nominated by others or self-nominate. They must accept the nomination before being added to the ballot. Only Finance Association members may be candidates.

Board transition procedures:
The new Finance Association officers should be brought into their new responsibilities with an organized transition program run by the old officers. This process will be determined by the old officers but should include ample assistance and training. Possibilities include a joint meeting of all old and new officers, scheduled one-on-one time, and a social event.

IX. Term of Office, Replacement and Removal of Officers

Term begins January 1st and ends December 31st.

Replacement of Officers:
Candidates should run for a Finance Association office only if they are reasonable sure of being able to serve the full term. However, should unforeseen circumstances arise, officers can be replaced if the other Finance Association officers determine it is necessary. A new election may be held to elect a new officer. The Finance Association officers may determine procedures and scheduling.

Replacement of the President:
If the President cannot complete the term of office, the Finance Association officers may hold an election for a new President as specified above, or the duties of the office may be passed to another officer, as determined by a majority vote of the Finance Association officers. The officer serving as the new President may retain the duties of the previous officer position, or a replacement can be elected.

Removing an officer:
An officer may only be removed from office by the unanimous vote of all other officers. This is an extreme situation and must be exercised only if the officer in question has committed a gross dereliction of duty determined to harm the Finance Association.

X. Changes to the Bylaws

Changes can be made through a simple majority vote by the Finance Association officers. Once a change is made, the by-laws may be rewritten. Maintaining a list of changes is not necessary.

X1. Dissolve the club

If a situation arises where the Finance Association needs to be dissolved, all the club assets would return to the GSM to be used for educational or scholarship purposes, or be donated to a non-profit organization.

By-Laws v1.2/2008