Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Economic Stimulus Package: Will It Work, and for Whom?

Congress and the White House recently settled on an economic stimulus package with unusual speed, pushing the throttle to pull the economy out of a nosedive. Is this just election-year grandstanding, or does economic stimulus really work? And if it can work, what works best?

While some experts argue that priming the economy now is unnecessary, ill-timed or even counter-productive, those who support the concept applaud the design of the recently approved $168 billion package, centered on rebates of $600 to $1,200 for more than 130 million households. "They have moved remarkably quickly, so maybe this time it will, in fact, be well-timed," says Nicholas S. Souleles, finance professor at Wharton. Souleles conducted a study titled, "Household Expenditure and the Income Tax Rebates of 2001," that found a 2001 stimulus package did indeed help the economy recover from recession....but will the same help the 2008 economy...why is it different now...to read more

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